Saturday, August 13, 2005

Three's a Crowd

So...I finally went on a date. Two, actually. And he's nice. He's funny. He really likes me, which is enough to balm my bruised and battered ego.
And then...yesterday, after I had had a date with Brian the night before, Chase decides to tell me that he misses me and loves me and wants me back.
WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?!? Where does this come from? Is it just some natural male instinct, you know, "Hey, that territory's already marked?" He said all the right things and cried, and I can't dispute the fact that yes, I do, I do still love him. But what if I'm not supposed to? What if the only reason we're connected is the kids, and that's going to be the only real connexion we ever have?
I don't know. Unfairly, I was pretty cranky with Brian last night. Like it's his fault that I'm confused, which it's not. He has nothing malicious to do with it, he's basically an innocent bystander. But he was drunk, and I don't deal with drunk people that well anyhow, and then his friend called me his girlfriend, and of course, I snapped back with "I'm NOT your girlfriend!", which, I think, may have hurt his feelings. He mentioned it later in the conversation..."You're not my girlfriend - apparently ADAMANTLY not." I felt bad, but not bad enough to apologise, apparently. Since I didn't. I just bullshitted my way through it by saying that I don't use that term lightly, along with a host of others. I don't know. I hung up feeling like shit, and I'm pretty sure he did too. But I don't want to call and apologise, and make him think that I know what's going on in my head, because I don't. I really like Brian. I do. I just think to myself, and I'm like "Pros...cons...the kids...what would be best for them, and is it the same as what's best for me?" Even if it isn't, they come first, right?
I'm going to stop for now, and try to figure more of it out later.


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